AI Camp Curriculum

This page provides resources for our NetsBlox-based AI summer camp curriculum. Over the course of this module, students are introduced to some of the earliest history of AI, a few "classical" AI algorithms, and finally some of the most recent breakthroughs in AI, such as the Large Language Models that power ChatGPT. However, we won't only be learning these topics: we'll be building many of them in NetsBlox!

This curriculum is based around group projects and group discussion, but could be completed individually if provided additional time. Some prior programming experience with NetsBlox is recommended. You may use any other NetsBlox curriculum as pre-work assignments prior to starting this module.



Continued Learning

In this camp, we use the NetsBlox block-based programming environment in order to lower the barrier for entry to some of these traditionally more advanced topics that we covered. Although all of the topics we've mentioned can be done in NetsBlox (indeed, you can now open some of the projects we used and delve inside some of the provided custom blocks to see how it was done), it is unfortunately the case that most external machine learning and AI material uses other, more complex programming languages such as Python (sort of the de-facto AI programming language, among other wide-spread uses).

In order to help ease the transition from NetsBlox to Python, we have created a dedicated tool called PyBlox, which provides you the full power of Python but still with the familiar features of the block-based editor you have been using. Feel free to use this tool if you would like to make this transition.

Alternatively, if you would like to remain in NetsBlox for the time being, we have many other resources for delving into other topics such as robotics (including autonomy), interacting with phones (through code), and various internet-based topics such as distributed computing and multiplayer games (or shared applications in general). These and other resources can be found on various pages of this website.

AI Topic Exploration
AI Coding in Python