Denial of Service

Learning Goals


By this point students might have already discovered the simplest - yet very effective - attack of DoS. The main real world example of these is when more traffic is sent to some network address than can be adequately handled. When this happens, service is interrupted for actual users. We will further demonstrate this by having one robot do a series of actions in a repeating pattern as the victim.

Then attackers will interrupt the robot - making it unavailable to the legitimate user's requests - by bombarding the target robot with repeated commands of a different nature. The attackers' commands should be different in nature from the robot's intended behavior to show that the attackers aren't actively changing the instructions related to the original task.

The provided examples of patterns for the target robot are tuned to demonstrate this loss of commands easily. The students can be instructed to use any non set speed commands on repeat to overwhelm the robot and make it miss instructions from its owner. Using the beep command on repeat with a low frequency and duration (such as beep 10 10) is a good option for covert attacking.


Required/Authorized Commands


Common Pitfalls


Generally a good time to switch to these rate control techniques is when students have learned that using a forever loop to spam the commands they want to their robots is an effective strategy for Tug of War.

Next Steps

Additional Reading
